We have many things scheduled for the month of June at our church. If you look at our calendar, you can see that we have a variety of activities for all of our attendees. Our premier event for this month will be our Patriotic Sunday taking place on June 30th. This is a day where we celebrate the freedom God gives us and our wonderful country. We gather at the normal time of 10:00 for our Sunday School and then follow that with our 11:00 Worship service. During the service we will have a special emphasis on our country. After the morning service we plan to have dinner on the grounds along with games, conversation and fun. Around 3:30 we plan to hold our evening service early and afterwards those who wish and are able can either stay for more fun, or head to your next destination. We invite everyone to attend all day, and if you cannot, then please make plans to join us sometime during the day. We believe you will be blessed for joining us.